Indonesian Journal of Social Work <div> <p style="direction: ltr;" align="justify">Indonesian Journal of Social Work (<a href=""><strong>P-ISSN 2598-7526</strong>; <strong>E-ISSN 2598-7534</strong></a>) is a scientific journal in the field of social work practice, published by Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung (Poltekesos Bandung), Indonesia <span style="font-weight: 400;">Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung (STKS Bandung)</span> in cooperation with the <a href="">Indonesian Professional Social Workers Association (IPSPI)</a>. Indonesian Journal of Social Work published as a means for researchers, practitioners of social work, and a lecturer in the published results of the practice of social work and social work practice model that can support the development of the science of social work in handling social problems. The purpose of publication of this journal is to disseminate conceptual thoughts and ideas or research results that have been achieved in the field of social work practice.</p> </div> <p align="justify">Specifically, various studies of social work practice model on the model of social services, social protection, social rehabilitation, social empowerment, social development, and the intervention of social work practice can be published through this IJSW journal. </p> <p align="justify">Indonesian Journal of Social Work published twice a year in <strong>February</strong> and <strong>August</strong>. Please submit your manuscript. </p> <p>Please read the guidelines carefully. Each manuscript is sent to the editorial office of Indonesian Journal of Social Work should follow the guidelines of writing. If the script is not in accordance with the guidelines authors or texts written in a different format, the article will be denied to the author prior to further review by peer reviewers. Editors IJSW only accept manuscripts that meet Indonesian Journal of Social Work format.</p> en-US <p align="justify">With the receipt of the article by the IJSW Editorial Board and the decision to be published, then the copyright regarding the article will be diverted to IJSW (Indonesian Journal of Social Work). Poltekesos Press - Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare (Poltekesos Bandung) hold the copyright regarding all the published articles in this journal.</p><p align="justify"><span>Poltekesos Press - Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare (Poltekesos Bandung) </span>has the right to multiply and distribute the article and every author is not allowed to publish the same article that was published in this journal.�Thanks to Poltekesos Bandung �that was funded this journal sustainability.</p><p>�</p><p>Fill out the form and submit via email or fax to the following address:</p><p align="justify"><strong>Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare (Poltekesos Bandung)</strong></p><p>Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 367 Bandung � Jawa Barat � INDONESIA 40135</p><p>Phone : +62 22 2504838</p><p>Fax : +62 22 2502962</p><p>Email :</p> (Admiral Nelson Aritonang) (Mira Azzasyofia) Wed, 28 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 IMPLEMENTATION OF RELIGIOUS APPROACHES IN FORMING SOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENTS IN LKSA NURUSYIFA BANDUNG <p><em>Adolescence is one of the toughest transitions in life. Changes that occur in adolescents are not only in their physical condition but simultaneously in social, cognitive, language, and creative development. So with the changes that occur in adolescence, it is vulnerable to the emergence of social problems caused by low emotional maturity, not only in the low emotional maturity which ultimately impacts social problems in adolescents. But also, the development of a person's religious life is in line with his physical and spiritual development, adolescents need to get assistance in gaining religious awareness which will become a basis for life in social behavior in society. In the process of forming adolescent social behavior using a religious approach is one of the most important elements. This research is entitled "Children's Assistance Using a Religious Approach in the Social Formation of Adolescents at LKSA Nurusyifa Bandung". The purpose of this study was to find out the religious approach taken by the companion in forming the social behavior of the foster youth in the LKSA. The theory used in this study is the theory of social behavior by B.F Skinner and the theory of social behavior can be seen from the interpersonal responses of individuals to their environment by David &amp; Krech. This research approach uses a descriptive qualitative method. The technique used in collecting data uses the results of interviews. The results of this study indicate that the religious approach taken by the companion in the formation of social behavior is in the form of providing material namely; (1) strengthening faith, (2) cultivating worship, (3) personality and social development, (4) material for opposite-sex relationships. Adolescent social behavior seen from; (1) The tendency of role behavior; consisting of ascendance or social fear, dominance or submission, social passivity or social initiative, independence or dependency. (2) Sociometric tendencies/social relations; which consists of accepting others or rejecting others, sociability or unsociability, sympathy or no sympathy. (3) The tendency of expressive behavior; which consists of competitiveness or non-competitiveness, aggressive or non-aggressive, social calm or social unrest, showing off or not showing off. Practical and theoretical implications include (1) the role of social workers in social services for adolescents in LKSA (2) the religious approach influences the formation of adolescent social behavior (3) The theory of social behavior.</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em></p> <p><em>Youth; social behavior; Islamic religion</em></p> Bilqis Siti Zahra Copyright (c) 2024 Bilqis Siti Zahra Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PROBLEMATIC INTERNET USE AND SOCIAL ANXIETY IN LATE ADOLESCENTS SOCIAL MEDIA USERS IN BEKASI CITY <p><em>The phenomenon of problematic internet use is one of the phenomena that is rife in late adolescents. This is an important concern for many researchers, especially regarding excessive internet use, especially in accessing social media. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between problematic internet use and social anxiety in late adolescents who use social media in Bekasi City. This study involved 111 late adolescents in the city of Bekasi who actively used social media for 5 hours or more</em><em>/</em><em>day. This research is a quantitative research with a correlational type. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was performed with the correlation technique of Pearson Product Moment using the program SPSS</em><em> versi 25 for windows</em><em>. Based on the result of research data analysis the value of corellation coefficient between those two variables is 0,</em><em>661**</em><em> with significant degree amount is 0,00</em><em>0</em><em>, This suggest that there is a a positive relationship between problematic internet use and social anxiety among adolescents</em><em>. </em><em>So it can be concluded that the higher the problematic internet use in adolescents, the higher the level of adolescent anxiety. </em></p> Radiva Febrian Arinda, Rika Fitriyana, Lenny Utama Afriyenti Copyright (c) 2024 Radiva Febrian Arinda, Rika Fitriyana, Lenny Utama Afriyenti Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MILLENNIAL GENERATION WOMEN’S PERCEPTION TOWARDS CHILDREN’S ATTENDANCE: A PRELIMINARY STUDY <p>The presence of children is interpreted as the hope of the family, the successor of<br />offspring, and the bearer of happiness and blessings. But along with the times, many<br />married couples choose not to have children, this is certainly contrary to the<br />construction of Indonesian society related to the concept of the ideal family. This can be<br />seen from the decline in Total Fertility Rate in Indonesia. This study used descriptive<br />quantitative methods with purposive sampling techniques based on criteria, namely<br />women aged 27-35 years who belonged to the millennial generation, a total of 50<br />respondents. Primary data sources through online penelitians. This study uses Schmitt<br />&amp; Schmitt's theory of direct and constructive perception to see the influence of internal<br />and external factors in the formation of perception. The results show that individual<br />internal and external factors influence millennial women's perceptions of the presence<br />of children in marriage. Then, the millennial generation, which prioritizes maturity,<br />stability and readiness from various factors, interprets the presence of children in the<br />family as not a necessity and does not make children the only source of happiness even<br />though it is undeniable that children become a complement to the family. Further<br />studies are needed to obtain more comprehensive data. In addition, premarital<br />education and counseling programs, gender equality campaigns, community support<br />and social networks can be used as recommendations.<br />Keywords:<br />perception, millennial, child, marriage</p> Anastasya Eka Wardhana, Husmiati Yusuf Copyright (c) 2024 Anastasya Eka Wardhana, Husmiati Yusuf Sat, 31 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN ENHACING THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF SINGLE-PARENT FAMILIES: A LITERATURE REVIEW <p><em>This paper explores the role of digital transformation in enhancing economic development within single-parent families. The study investigates how digital technologies contribute to economic empowerment, financial stability, and opportunities for single parents, ultimately influencing their overall economic well-being. The study also identifies challenges related to digital divides, access barriers, and the need for digital literacy among single-parent families.&nbsp; Literature review is conducted in this study to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of digital transformation on economic development in single-parent households. Overall, the research emphasizes that the digital transformation empowers single-parent families by providing access to flexible work, educational opportunities, financial tools, and social support networks, which may lead to improved economic outcomes and well-being. Recommendations for policymakers, organizations, and digital technology providers include promoting digital inclusion initiatives, expanding access to affordable digital services, and enhancing digital literacy programs tailored to the needs of single-parent households</em><em>.</em></p> Mirna PurnamaNingsih, Lia Shafira Arlianty, Gina Indah Permata Nastia, Sarah Nurul Fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Mirna PurnamaNingsih, Lia Shafira Arlianty, Gina Indah Permata Nastia, Sarah Nurul Fatimah Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INTEGRATED SOCIAL SERVICES AT SOCIAL WELFARE CENTER IN LEBAK SILIWANGI COBLONG DISTRICT BANDUNG CITY <p><em>This research aims to describe in depth the integration of social services in the social assistance program carried out by Puskesos Kelurahan Lebak Siliwangi Coblong Kota Bandung with the use of an integrative social services approach, i.e., coordination of services, cooperation, collaboration, and interprofessional. The results of the research obtained show that Puskesos Lebak Siliwangi has integrated social services into the social assistance program with the Social Services Office of Bandung City, the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of the city of Bandung, and the Rumah Amal Salman. The integration of services in the social assistance program carried out by Puskesos with the relevant parties has been done well, but there are obstacles experienced, such as inaccuracy of information of the recipients of assistance when communicating with the related parties, lack of special appreciation by the service provider, and no brainstorming in the collaboration carried on. All these problems lie on one focus of the problem, which is the lack of joint evaluation of the service process that has been ongoing.</em></p> Mohamad Satria Surya Aji, Admiral Nelson Nelson, Aribowo Aribowo Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Satria Surya Aji, Admiral Nelson Nelson, Aribowo Aribowo Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 the THE IMPACT OF FREE ASSOCIATION ON TEENAGERS' BEHAVIOR AT STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 CIMAHI <p><em>This research is entitled "The Impact of Promiscuity on Adolescent Behavior at SMA Negeri 3 Cimahi". Promiscuity is a social phenomenon that is often associated with behavior that is not in accordance with the norms and values ​​that apply in society. This phenomenon can have negative impacts on individuals and communities, including increased physical and mental health risks, as well as the breakdown of social and family relationships. Teenagers are unstable individuals whose emotions are vulnerable to being uncontrolled by youthful self-control. Behavior is any form of activity carried out by individuals, organizations, or other living creatures that can be observed and measured. This includes any action, response, or reaction that can be noticed and assessed by other people or by certain measuring devices. Behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the environment, culture, values, and individual experiences. The aim of this research is to ensure that today's teenagers are more focused in their relationships, namely by carrying out positive and useful activities for themselves, their families and the surrounding community, also so that teenagers do not get caught up in promiscuity, describe supporting and inhibiting factors, and describe practical and theoretical implications. The method used is a qualitative approach and informant selection techniques using the case study method. There are several data collection techniques used, namely 1) Observation, 2) In-depth interviews, 3) Document study. The number of informants is 3 main informants and 1 supporting informant. As a result of this research, researchers found information that the impact of promiscuity is 3 negative activities, namely 1) Alcohol consumption, 2) Drug abuse, and 3) Free sex. There are several factors driving promiscuity, namely, lack of family communication, disharmonious family (Broken Home), peer influence and identity crisis.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : Promiscuity, Behavior, Teenagers</em></p> Aldy Noor Chalik suwandana, Yuyun Yuningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Aldy Noor Chalik suwandana, Yuyun Yuningsih Sat, 31 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE URGENCY OF SOCIAL SUPPORT AS THE PREVENTION OF LOST TO FOLLOW-UP (LTFU) STRATEGY ON PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) IN GARUT REGENCY, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA <p>The social support received by people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) plays a very important role in increasing their self-confidence and meaning of life and enabling them to continue their lives. The purpose of this study is to describe the social support received by PLWHA in Garut Regency as a strategy that can be used to prevent lost of follow-up antiretroviral therapy for PLWHA. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The informant selection technique in this study used purposive sampling, with the number of informants obtained reaching as many as 10 people. Data collection in this study was obtained from in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The location of this research was Garut Regency. The study results indicate that LTFU is a big challenge for PLWHA. First, the side effects that are caused by PLWHA make PLWHA feel uncomfortable. PLWHA prefer to stop taking medication because they are unable to overcome the side effects of ARV therapy. Second, the stigma and discrimination attached to PLWHA also make them lazy to continue their treatment because they are embarrassed and do not want to get stigma and discrimination, which makes PLWHA choose to stop their treatment. Social support, especially from family members, played a major role in PLWHA's being able to consistently undergo ARV therapy. The family member who knows about PLWHA's condition helps remind PLWHA to always take medication and check their health condition routinely at the hospital. In addition, social support from NGOs also plays an important role in helping PLWHA get access to affordable or free health services. Social support from buddies at NGOs who are also HIV-positive turned out to be very helpful for PLWHA in accepting their condition as HIV-positive people. It can be concluded that social support strengthens PLWHA to be able to continue their lives with more confidence, meaning, and stronger personalities in the middle of a society that still gives stigma and discrimination to PLWHA.</p> Arini Dwi Deswanti, Nono Sutisna, Moch Zaenal Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Arini Dwi Deswanti, Nono Sutisna, Moch Zaenal Hakim Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000