Indonesian Journal of Social Work <div> <p style="direction: ltr;" align="justify">Indonesian Journal of Social Work (<a href=""><strong>P-ISSN 2598-7526</strong>; <strong>E-ISSN 2598-7534</strong></a>) is a scientific journal in the field of social work practice, published by Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung (Poltekesos Bandung), Indonesia <span style="font-weight: 400;">Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung (STKS Bandung)</span> in cooperation with the <a href="">Indonesian Professional Social Workers Association (IPSPI)</a>. Indonesian Journal of Social Work published as a means for researchers, practitioners of social work, and a lecturer in the published results of the practice of social work and social work practice model that can support the development of the science of social work in handling social problems. The purpose of publication of this journal is to disseminate conceptual thoughts and ideas or research results that have been achieved in the field of social work practice.</p> </div> <p align="justify">Specifically, various studies of social work practice model on the model of social services, social protection, social rehabilitation, social empowerment, social development, and the intervention of social work practice can be published through this IJSW journal. </p> <p align="justify">Indonesian Journal of Social Work published twice a year in <strong>February</strong> and <strong>August</strong>. Please submit your manuscript. </p> <p>Please read the guidelines carefully. Each manuscript is sent to the editorial office of Indonesian Journal of Social Work should follow the guidelines of writing. If the script is not in accordance with the guidelines authors or texts written in a different format, the article will be denied to the author prior to further review by peer reviewers. Editors IJSW only accept manuscripts that meet Indonesian Journal of Social Work format.</p> en-US <p align="justify">With the receipt of the article by the IJSW Editorial Board and the decision to be published, then the copyright regarding the article will be diverted to IJSW (Indonesian Journal of Social Work). Poltekesos Press - Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare (Poltekesos Bandung) hold the copyright regarding all the published articles in this journal.</p><p align="justify"><span>Poltekesos Press - Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare (Poltekesos Bandung) </span>has the right to multiply and distribute the article and every author is not allowed to publish the same article that was published in this journal.�Thanks to Poltekesos Bandung �that was funded this journal sustainability.</p><p>�</p><p>Fill out the form and submit via email or fax to the following address:</p><p align="justify"><strong>Bandung Polytechnic of Social Welfare (Poltekesos Bandung)</strong></p><p>Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 367 Bandung � Jawa Barat � INDONESIA 40135</p><p>Phone : +62 22 2504838</p><p>Fax : +62 22 2502962</p><p>Email :</p> (Admiral Nelson Aritonang) (Mira Azzasyofia) Sun, 02 Mar 2025 04:48:40 +0000 OJS 60 Analysis of the Negative Impact of Corporal Punishment by Parents Against Child (6 - 12 Years) <p><em>Children aged 6 – 12 years are experiencing a new phase and need support from their families, especially their parents. Children will be very dependent on their parents because they are the people who have the closest relationship to the child. Therefore, parents must be able to motivate children and also provide support in facing new challenges in different environments. These challenges will certainly become new stressors for parents and children, as children will often make mistakes because they are still developing.</em></p> <p><em>Therefore, parents often apply physical punishment with the intention of correcting a child's behavior or mistakes. However, physical punishment applied by parents can have negative effects such as physical or mental injuries, and even damage to the relationship between parents and children. Even people who use physical punishment are often not aware that this method is considered child abuse behavior.</em><em>Therefore, social workers have an important role in helping children as victims. Social workers can build trust with children through art therapy or play therapy. In this way, children realize that they are not alone and that not all adults have bad intentions so they can be trusted.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Keywords: children, corporal punishment, parents, social workers</em></p> rachel manik, Nurliana Cipta Apsari, Nunung Nurwati Copyright (c) 2025 rachel manik, Nurliana Cipta Apsari, Nunung Nurwati Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 On Job Training Vocational Education; Producing Addiction Counsellors in Drug Addiction Social Rehabilitation Centre <h1><span lang="EN-US" style="font-weight: normal;">Many service programs in organizational settings implement aftercare programs, but few talk about social rehabilitation aftercare programs for drug addicts. The purpose of this study was to provide care for ex-drug users who were not yet ready to return to their families or the home environment in which the ex-drug user was familiar and took drugs for the first time. It is well known that aftercare programs for ex-drug users are still very broad and that utilization of drug social rehabilitation clinics is uncommon. The Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Substance Abuse (BRSKP NAPZA INSYAF MEDAN) was the location of the study. North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Using a qualitative descriptive research approach, informants consisted of 6 individuals who used comprehensive interviewing methods for gathering data techniques. The results Aftercare programme, which was initially formed by accident, has positive results in preventing relapse and is able to produce counsellors who can work to help others in the social rehabilitation process. Until now, the aftercare programme has not been required to be part of the social rehabilitation programme at Insyaf Medan Social Rehabilitation Centre. The author hopes that this programme can be continued and become a mandatory programme for all drug social rehabilitation institutions in Indonesia, whether government-owned, private or non-governmental organisations. </span></h1> Fajar Ritonga, Agus Suriadi Copyright (c) 2025 Fajar Ritonga, Agus Suriadi Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Social Work Interventions for Abandoned Children in Cirebon <p><em>Cirebon had the highest number of abandoned children in the Ciayumajakuning Region (Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan) in 2021, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The number of abandoned children was 662 in Kuningan, 4,515 in Majalengka, 904 in Indramayu, and 5,546 in Cirebon. The purpose of this study was to determine the interventions carried out by social workers at the Cirebon City Social Service in handling neglected children. The research method used was qualitative with a descriptive approach. The results showed that the interventions by social workers in handling neglected children at the Cirebon City Social Service utilized a case management approach. This approach begins with an initial investigation to identify the problems faced by the neglected children, followed by an assessment to further understand these problems using tools such as BPSS (Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual). The intervention plan involves referring neglected children who experience physical and psychological abuse to specialists in these fields, such as healthcare professionals and psychiatrists. Social workers wait until the physical and psychological health issues are addressed. The implementation of the intervention involves carrying out the planned referrals. Evaluation is conducted from the initial investigation stage to termination. Referrals are made to other child welfare institutions (LKSA) or the children's families for reintegration. Termination occurs when the neglected child becomes independent or graduates from high school. In their work, social workers at the Cirebon City Social Service also use commonly employed tools and instruments, specifically BPSS (Biological, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual).</em></p> Munawaroh, Istiqomah, Anisul Fuad Copyright (c) 2025 Munawaroh, Istiqomah, Anisul Fuad Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 HANDLING FOR CHILDREN IN CONFLICT WITH THE LAW BY THE WEST JAVA CHILD PROTECTION AGENCY <p><em>This study aims to explore efforts to protect children in conflict with the law in West Java through a qualitative approach. Using a semi-structured interview method, this study collected data from various informants involved in child protection, including Lembaga Perlindungan Anak (LPA) and social workers. The results discussed the stages of practice carried out by the West Java Lembaga Perlindungan Anak (LPA) in handling cases for children in conflict with the law, collaboration between social agencies and stakeholders is essential to create a safe environment for children. This research also identifies patterns and relationships between themes related to child protection, and provides recommendations for improving practices and policies in the field of child protection. Thus, this research is expected to provide practical and theoretical contributions in efforts to strengthen the protection of children in conflict with the law in Indonesia.</em></p> Elda Putri Azkiya, Tyara Octaviyana, Risma Khoirunnisa, Renata Aulia Kamal, Mia Rusmiati, Yani Achdiani, Gina Indah Permata Nastia Copyright (c) 2025 Elda Putri Azkiya, Tyara Octaviyana, Risma Khoirunnisa, Renata Aulia Kamal, Mia Rusmiati, Yani Achdiani, Gina Indah Permata Nastia Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 FAMILY SUPPORTIVE GROUP INTERVENTIONS FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA PATIENTS AT RSJD DR SAMSI JACOBALIS <p>This research study entitled "Family Support for People with Mental Disorders (Schizophrenia) Through the Family Supportive Group Program at RSJD Dr. Samsi Jacobalis, Bangka Belitung Islands Province" aims to explain how family support for people with mental disorders is given by the family for the recovery of people with mental disorders and to restore their functioning through the family supportive group program. The method used is qualitative descriptive with a case study approach. In selecting informants using purposive sampling techniques, and data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study explain that family support for people with mental disorders through the Family Supportive Group Program at RSJD Dr. Jacobalis, Bangka Belitung Islands Province has a very important role in providing family support for individuals with mental disorders, especially schizophrenia. Through a holistic approach, this program has succeeded in providing emotional, informational, real, and hopeful support to families, which are greatly needed in the journey of treatment and recovery of family members affected by mental disorders. Thus, the Family Supportive Group Program not only helps improve the well-being of individuals with mental disorders, but also strengthens family relationships and builds an inclusive community in facing mental health challenges.</p> M Hafidh Alyasa, Yuyun Yuningsih Copyright (c) 2025 M Hafidh Alyasa, Yuyun Yuningsih Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000