Peran Pekerja Sosial, Pengangkatan Anak, Penguatan Kapasitas Sumber Daya ManusiaAbstract
The purpose of this research is to get an overview about how the role of social worker in the child adoption at the Social Rehabilitation Center of Child with Special Protection Need “Paramita” Mataram. To obtain an empirical description of the characteristics of informants, the role of social workers in adopting children as administrators, experts, enablers, brokers, advocates, and educators. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The techniques used are in-depth interviews, documentation studies and field observations. The informants determined by using purposive in total 2 (two) informants consisting of social workers who handle child adoption at BRSAMPK “Paramita” Mataram. The results of research on the role of social workers in adopting children at BRAMPK "Paramita" Mataram show that there is an overlap of the main tasks and functions of social workers with other officers so that in carrying out their roles they are less than optimal. The proposed program is “Strengthening Human Resources Capacity of BRSMPK “Paramita” Mataram. This program aims to increase the knowledge of all human resources of BRAMPK “Paramita” Mataram related to their respective duties, principals and functions so that they can provide effective and efficient services.Downloads
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