Jurnal Ilmiah Rehabilitasi Sosial (Rehsos) 2025-01-06T04:13:53+00:00 Nike Vonika Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Rehabilitasi Sosial (Rehsos)</strong> (p-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2685-6743</a>; e-ISSN <a href="">2685-6751</a>) diterbitkan sebagai sarana bagi peneliti, praktisi, mahasiswa, dan dosen dalam mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan model praktik rehabilitasi sosial. Rehabilitasi sosial adalah pemulihan kemampuan berfungsi sosial, yang mencakup aspek-aspek : terpenuhinya kebutuhan secara memadai sesuai dengan aspek-aspek perkembangan, kemampuan memecahkan masalah, kemampuan melaksanakan peranan-peranan sosial dan pengembangan potensi diri dalam penanganan Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS). Rehabilitasi sosial adalah salah satu fungsi dari sistem pelayanan kesejahteraan sosial, yang diartikan sebagai penyembuhan bagi penyandang masalah sosial. Fungsi ini banyak dilaksanakan dalam pekerjaan sosial klinis. (Supiadi et.all, 2004).</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Rehabilitasi Sosial </strong>diterbitkan oleh Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial (Poltekesos) Bandung, diterbitkan 2 kali dalam setahun.</p> <p><strong>Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Penerbitan Jurnal Rehsos</strong></p> <p><strong>Visi</strong>: Menjadi Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Rehabilitasi Sosial yang Berkualitas dan Mempunyai Kontribusi dalam Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pengembangan Praktik Pekerjaan Sosial klinis di Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Misi</strong>: Menyebarkan informasi ilmiah yang mutakhir dalam bidang rehabilitasi sosial untuk kepentingan pendidikan, penelitian, dan penanganan Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS),</p> <p><strong>Tujuan</strong>: Meningkatkan aksesibilitas informasi dan literasi masyarakat dalam bidang rehabilitasi sosial di era global.</p> <p>Silakan unduh file pendukung dalam penulisan: <a href="">TEMPLET JURNAL REHSOS</a> | <a href="">TRASNFER AND ORIGIN STATEMENT</a></p> Penerimaan Diri Pada Penyandang Disabilitas Netra Di SLB Negeri A Pajajaran Kota Bandung 2024-12-07T03:23:31+00:00 syahda ardelia Yuyun Yuningsih <p><em>The purpose of this study was to describe self-acceptance in blind adolescents aged 12-24 years equivalent to high school. Given that many negative views of society towards blind adolescents make them have low self-acceptance and find it difficult to interact, communicate and participate in activities in the social environment. This study uses a qualitative research method and informant selection techniques with purposive sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used are (1) Observation, (2) In-depth interviews and (3) Document studies. The number of informants, namely key informants consisting of 3, namely blind students with grade 11 high school and 3 secondary informants, namely Guidance and Counseling teachers, Homeroom teachers and OMSK skills teachers. The results of this study, the researcher found information related to the existence of different self-acceptance felt by blind people with accidents and blind people with birth disabilities. Blind people with birth disabilities have good self-acceptance and self-confidence, while blind people with accidents tend to have low self-acceptance because they have experience in sight. In the process of self-acceptance, there are many obstacles that come from the environment or from the blind person themselves.</em></p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 syahda ardelia, Yuyun Yuningsih The Implementasi Model Hipnoterapi Untuk Mengurangi Gejala Relapse Korban Penyalahgunaan Narkoba 2024-12-07T02:51:35+00:00 Epi Supiadi <p><em>Against the background of optimism that hypnotherapy techniques have great potential to increase the effectiveness of treating victims of drug abuse in the future, the implementation of this hypnotherapy model specifically aims to reduce the symptoms of relapse in victims of drug abuse. Implementation of the model begins with the application of The AWARE questionnaire from Gorski to determine various symptoms of relapse, then continues with step (1) pre-induction which includes building relationships with prospective clients, hypnotherapy training and suggestibility tests, and building contracts; (2) Induction which includes eyelid fixation; flying hand; total body relaxation; progressive relaxation; and rapid induction; (3) Deepening using calculation and imagination, as well as a depth level test using ideo motor response; (4) Suggestion therapy/therapeutic intervention in the form of a narrative created specifically to produce a healing effect, especially the symptoms of relapse found; (5) Termination as a technical step to return the Subject to normal conditions. The implementation of the hypnotherapy model using experimental methods has been proven to be able to reduce relapse symptoms in drug abuse victims</em>.</p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Hypnotherapy model, Relapse Symptoms, Drug Abuse Victims.</em></p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Epi Supiadi Self Compassion Lanjut Usia Di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah Pusat Pelayanan Sosial Griya Lansia Jawa Barat 2024-12-07T03:37:25+00:00 Wulan Nur Ramanda Ella Nurlela Sinta Yulianti Sinta Yulianti <p><em>This study examines the self compassion of the elderly in the UPTD of Griya Lansia Social Service Center West Java. </em></p> <p><em>This study aims to obtain an empirical picture of: 1) Respondent Characteristics, 2) Level of Self Kindness, 3) Level of Common Humanity, and 4) The level of Mindfulness owned by respondents. </em></p> <p><em>The method used in this research is a descriptive quantitative approach. The population of this study were 35 elderly people who were at the UPTD Social Service Center Griya Lansia West Java. Sampling in this study was carried out using saturated sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire consisting of 30 statements. Data collection was also carried out using observation techniques and documentation studies.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that the level of self-kindness was in the high category with a total score of 1339 or 80%. The level of Common Humanity is in the medium category with a total score of 783 or 70%. The level of mindfulness is in the high category with a total score of 1155 or 83%. In general, the level of self-compassion of the elderly at the UPTD Griya Lansia Social Service Center is in the high category with a total score of 3277 or 78%. </em></p> <p><em>The problem analysis and needs analysis that has been carried out, the researcher proposes a program called “Improving the self-compassion of the elderly through social conversation groups at the UPTD Social Service Center of the West Java Home for the Elderly" which aims to increase self compassion, especially in the aspect of common humanity. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Self Compassion, Elderly, Regional Technical Implementation Unit of Griya Lansia Social Service Center West Java.&nbsp; </em></strong></p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wulan Nur Ramanda, Ella Nurlela, Sinta Yulianti Sinta Yulianti Dukungan Sosial Dalam Rehabilitasi ODGJ Oleh Pekerja Sosial Bina Laras Kediri 2024-12-07T02:59:51+00:00 Rahma Habsari Maisun Meiti Subardhini Elin Herlina <p><em>Research on Social Support in the Healing Process for People with Mental Disorders aims to obtain an overview of emotional support, appreciation support, instrumental support, informational support and group support at the Bina Laras Kediri Social Rehabilitation UPT for People with Mental Disorders. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The number of informants in this research was 5 people with the technique of determining informants using purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used were: (1) interviews; (2) observation; (3) documentation study. Checking the validity of the data is carried out through: (1) trust test; (2) transferability test; (3) dependency test; and (4) certainty test. The results of the research show that the social support provided by the Bina Laras Kediri Social Rehabilitation UPT is quite good, but there is still one aspect that needs to be improved, namely the aspect of informational support, this support is still not provided optimally and effectively by social workers. Based on these problems, the researcher proposes a program, namely Friends of Hearing through Recreation Group, with the aim of helping reduce stress, improving the client's mood, improving the client's mental well-being through positive social interactions, improving social skills, building self-confidence, and providing positive experiences in the environment. which supports. The method used is Group Work with the Recreation Group group type.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Social Support, Healing Process, People with Mental Disorders</em></strong></p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahma Habsari Maisun, Meiti Subardhini, Elin Herlina Implementasi Program Asistensi Rehabilitasi Sosial (Atensi) Bagi Keluarga Miskin Melalui Warung Makan Indomie (Warmindo) Di Kota Bandung 2024-12-07T03:11:02+00:00 Fahdina Ajmala Sobri Ahmad Yaneri Tuti Kartika <p><em>This study examines the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (Atensi), which provides benefits for developing skills and knowledge to increase self-reliance. The focus of this research is the implementation of the Atensi program for poor families through Warung Makan Indomie (Warmindo) in Bandung City. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that the distribution of assistance through the Warmindo program went quite smoothly, although there were some policy changes due to directives from the central ministry. The Beneficiary Families (KPM) experienced various changes in their conditions, including economic, social, physical, and psychological aspects. These changes were not always positive; sometimes, there were significant negative changes. This research highlights the distribution process of the assistance and the changes in the lives of the KPM from various aspects. Based on these issues, the researchers recommend the need for capacity building to develop the knowledge and skills of the KPM</em>.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fahdina Ajmala Sobri, Ahmad Yaneri, Tuti Kartika Analisis Kebijakan Rehabilitasi Pada Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa Di Yayasan Indocharis 2024-12-07T07:12:00+00:00 Mohammad Ilham Nadlifuddin Ummi Nasryatul Azizah Lingga Ayu Salma Nurfatika Bintan Wahdatul Hikmah Dewi Yanti <p><em>This study aims to analyze the implementation of rehabilitation policies for people with mental disorders (ODGJ) at the Indocharis Foundation. Through in-depth interviews and non-participant observation, this study analyzes to what extent national policies are reflected in the rehabilitation practices carried out by the foundation. The results of the study show that the Indocharis Foundation has implemented various comprehensive rehabilitation programs, including medical therapy, non-medical therapy, vocational training, and social integration support. These programs are in line with the mandate of the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation Number 54 of 2017. In addition, the foundation is also active in efforts to reduce stigma through socialization and education to the community. However, there are still several areas that need to be improved, such as expanding cooperation with companies to open up job opportunities for clients, and increasing the intensity of home visits to monitor clients' conditions on an ongoing basis. This study concludes that the rehabilitation policy at the Indocharis Foundation has been running well, but there needs to be continuous efforts to improve the quality of services and expand the scope of the program</em>.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Ilham Nadlifuddin, Ummi Nasryatul Azizah, Lingga Ayu Salma Nurfatika, Bintan Wahdatul Hikmah, Dewi Yanti The Committment of the Sumedang Social Service Department in Providing Social Services for Elderly in Sumedang Regency 2025-01-01T10:17:57+00:00 Raden Wilya Achmad <p>Elderly in Sumedang Regency have their own uniqueness, the growth rate of elderly is getting higher, this requires a special program for the elderly for their survival to stay healthy and productive is very much needed for the elderly to remain productive in old age. This study aims to analyze the role of the Social Service in providing social services to the elderly in Sumedang Regency. The research method uses qualitative studies with descriptive analysis and has informants to support good research results and have novelty. The results of the study show that the Sumedang Regency Social Service has shown a commitment to overcoming the problem of neglected elderly through facilitative, educational, representational, and technical roles. This effort is expected to be able to provide appropriate attention and assistance to neglected elderly, so that they can live their old age with more dignity, be useful to society, and feel appreciated.</p> 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Raden Wilya Achmad