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- _____________. 2006. Social Work With Groups. A Comprehensive Workbook. Thomson Book. Cole. Australia
Berns, R. RM. 1997. Child Family, School, Community, Socialization and Support. 4th.ed. Philadelphia. Harcout Brace College.
Boss, P.G, Doherty, W.G Larossa. R. Schumm, W. R. Dan Steinmetz. S.K. 1993. Sourcebook of Family Theory and Methode. A Contextual Approach. Plenum Press. New York.
Cousheld, Veronica dan Orme, Joan. 1998. Social Work Practice. MacMillan Distribution. London
Creswell. 2014. Research Design : Pendekatan Metiode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan Campuran. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta
Dubowitz & De Panfillis, Diane. 2000. Handbook For Child Protection Practice. Thousand Oaks. Sage Publication. Inc. London
Inkeles, A. 1965. Participant Citizenship In Sixth Developing Countries. American Political Science Review.
Irawan Soehartono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Sosial. PT Remaja Rosdya Karya. Bandung
Jong, De dan Fawcett, 1981. Migration Decision Making. Pergamon Press. New York.
Khaerudin, 2002. Sosiologi Keluarga. Liberti. Yogyakarta
Mulyana, Ichwan 2016. Rumah Tangga TKI Mayoritas Berantakan. Pikiran Rakyat: 8 Pebruari 2012.
Newman, Barbara M & Philip R Newman. 2006. Development Thr0ugh Life. A Psychosocial Approach. Thomson Wordsworth. Australia.
Neuman, W Lawrence. 2013. Metodologi Penelitian Sosial: Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif. Edina T Sofia (Penterjemah). PT. Indeks. Jakarta
Nursid Sumaatmaja, 1986. Perspektif Studi Sosial. Alumni. Bandung
Rafael, Engel J, Russell, Schutt K. 2010. Fundamentals of Social Work Research. SAGE Publication Ltd. London
Steinberg, L. 1993. Adolescence. Mc. Graw-Hills. New York
Suharto, Edi 2003. Kemiskinan dan keberfungsian sosial : studi kasus rumah tangga miskin di Indonesia. Bandung : Departemen Sosial RI - Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial.
Sunarti, Euis. 1997. Hubungan Antara Tekanan Ekonomi dan Mekanisme Coping Dengan Kesejahteraan Wanita Pemetik Teh. Jurnal Keluarga. IPB
Syaefullah, Djadja. 1999. Pemikiran Kontemporer Administrasi Publik :Perspektif Manajemen Sumber daya Manusia Dalam Era Desentralisasi,Bandung: LP3AN Fisip UNPAD.
Turner, Francis J. 1978. Psychosocial Therapy. A Social Work Perspective. The Free Press, New York dan Mac Millan, London.
Yaumil, 1994. Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Keluarga : Sebagai Wahana Pembangunan Bangsa. Prisma No. 6-994, LP3ES
Zastrow, Charles. 2000. Introduction to Social Welfare Institution, Social Problems, Services and Current Issues. The Dorsey Press. Illionis
_____________. 2006. Social Work With Groups. A Comprehensive Workbook. Thomson Book. Cole. Australia