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Adolescence is one of the toughest transitions in life. Changes that occur in adolescents are not only in their physical condition but simultaneously in social, cognitive, language, and creative development. So with the changes that occur in adolescence, it is vulnerable to the emergence of social problems caused by low emotional maturity, not only in the low emotional maturity which ultimately impacts social problems in adolescents. But also, the development of a person's religious life is in line with his physical and spiritual development, adolescents need to get assistance in gaining religious awareness which will become a basis for life in social behavior in society. In the process of forming adolescent social behavior using a religious approach is one of the most important elements. This research is entitled "Children's Assistance Using a Religious Approach in the Social Formation of Adolescents at LKSA Nurusyifa Bandung". The purpose of this study was to find out the religious approach taken by the companion in forming the social behavior of the foster youth in the LKSA. The theory used in this study is the theory of social behavior by B.F Skinner and the theory of social behavior can be seen from the interpersonal responses of individuals to their environment by David & Krech. This research approach uses a descriptive qualitative method. The technique used in collecting data uses the results of interviews. The results of this study indicate that the religious approach taken by the companion in the formation of social behavior is in the form of providing material namely; (1) strengthening faith, (2) cultivating worship, (3) personality and social development, (4) material for opposite-sex relationships. Adolescent social behavior seen from; (1) The tendency of role behavior; consisting of ascendance or social fear, dominance or submission, social passivity or social initiative, independence or dependency. (2) Sociometric tendencies/social relations; which consists of accepting others or rejecting others, sociability or unsociability, sympathy or no sympathy. (3) The tendency of expressive behavior; which consists of competitiveness or non-competitiveness, aggressive or non-aggressive, social calm or social unrest, showing off or not showing off. Practical and theoretical implications include (1) the role of social workers in social services for adolescents in LKSA (2) the religious approach influences the formation of adolescent social behavior (3) The theory of social behavior.
Youth; social behavior; Islamic religion

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