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This study aims to provide an overview of the evidence in line with whether or not community
participation and perceptions of the Sauyunan BUMDes work program in Cinangsi Village, Cibogo
District, Regency. This research approach is descriptive and quantitative. According to the research,
the medium category dominated community participation in the Sauyunan BUMDes work program in
terms of involvement in the planning process (44.4%) and involvement in the implementation process
(44.7%). Additionally, it emerged from the research that the medium category of the attitude indicator
(33.6%), expectations (31.7%), motivation (35.4%), perceived object (34.1%), work program facilities
(35.9%), and work program atmosphere (38.9%) dominated people's perceptions of work programs.
Even though the moderate category dominates for all indicators of the variables, the less category also
exists in each indicator with a number that can also be considered not small and sufficient to approach
the value of the number of moderate categories in each indicator. Such a state of perception and
participation shows a parallel between this perception and participation and the condition of BUMDes,
which experience much underdevelopment starting from dim management, vacuum, and stagnation in
the types of BUMDes businesses and not supporting facilities and atmosphere. Further, it can be
concluded that H0: "Community participation in the Sauyunan BUMDes Work Program is mostly from
the low category, and most public perceptions are from the less category about the BUMDes Sauyunan
Work Program" can be rejected, and H1: Community participation in the Sauyunan BUMDes Work
Program and public perceptions of the Sauyunan BUMDes Work Program have the highest number in
the moderate category, which is acceptable.
Key Words : Participation, Perception, Community, Sauyunan BUMDes Work Program, BUMDes

Article Details


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