Author Guidelines

The editor Biyan: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Pekerjaan Sosial welcomes article submissions by the following guidelines:

1. Articles have not been published or accepted for publication or are being considered for publication elsewhere. In addition to the manuscript, a written statement should be attached which clarifies that the article is original and does not contain any elements of plagiarism, Please check the plagiarism policy here.

2. The types of articles published are research in the field of Social welfare.

3. Articles are written in English or Indonesian using academic language along with standard academic writing structure and composition. The manuscripts should be typed in a paper size (A4), with 10-point Brill font and must be 1 line-spaced between 6000-8000 words in length including references from Reference Managers such as Mendeley, you can find and download the Mendeley Reference Apps here, pictures, and tables, we highly recommend to author use a journal templet, you can download here.

4. Articles should be in the form of essays which include:

  • Title (max. 15 words),
  • Abstract (200-250 words for each) which includes Research purposes, methods, Findings/results and Conclusion,
  • Keywords (3-5 words),
  • Introduction (without subsection, 2-3 pages) which includes General academic or background anxiety, Previous literature review, Gap analysis, Hypothesis (if any), methods (do not write in the form of a subchapter), At the end of the introduction, the expected results or objectives of the article/research should be written,
  • Discussion (consists of the result of the study, written in the form of a subchapter),
  • Conclusion (a summary of findings and discussion. It is strongly recommended to avoid mere repetitive statements from the previous sections) and
  • References.

5. Journal recommends authors to use Brill font. Authors must be aware of the spelling of proper names, especially in terms of Indonesian personal names, newspapers, offices, and organizations. They have to be written in their original spelling although they might be now outdated, for example: Sukarno, Soeharto, Poerbatjaraka, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Zoetmulder, and Margono Djojohadikusumo. Meanwhile, any geographical names should be written in their modern spellings.

6. Figures, Tables and Maps If your manuscript contains figures or tables, upload them as separate documents, number the figures and tables consecutively, and refer to them in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Do not include the figures and tables themselves in the manuscript. Indicate in the manuscript where you would like to see the figure or table included if the manuscript is accepted for publication. Maps can be called figures (and numbered as such). For all images (line drawings, photographs, maps), please use high-resolution source files: min. 150 dpi for photographs, min 300 dpi for linework images. This is the minimum resolution required at the dimensions of which the images should eventually be reproduced. Please bear in mind that the images themselves should also be of high quality (e.g. the images should be clear and sharp and any text in the images should be sharp and legible). Give the caption and the source of the figure in the main text (exactly at the point where you indicate: ‘Figure x about here’).

7. Reference list format is based APA Style. The reference list should appear at the end of the article and include only the literature cited in the manuscripts. References are ordered alphabetically and chronologically. We strongly recommend authors to use reference tools, such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, etc. you can find and download the Mendeley Reference Apps here. Herewith are some of the APA Style references format structures:

  • Musda Asmara and Rahadian Kurniawan, “Polygami Practices of Khulafa al-Rasyidin: A Classical Turast Study,” Justicia Islamica 1s6, no. 2 (November 19, 2019): 320,
  • Busra Febriyarni, Miti Yarmunida, and Musda Asmara, “Jual Beli Tanaman Monstera Adansonii di Indonesia Perspektif Hukum Islam,” Al-Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Islam 6, no. 1 (May 25, 2021): 60,
  • Wahbah az-Zuhaili, Fiqih Islam Wa Adillatuhu, vol. 3 (Jakarta: Gema Insani Press, 2011), 200.
  • Musda Asmara, “Reinterpretasi Makna Jihad Dan Teroris,” Al-Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Islam 1, no. 1 (Juni 30, 2016): 65,

8. Articles should be submitted in soft files using document format (.doc or .docx) to the Online Submission page.

9. Online Submitting Manuscript Guidelines The manuscript text must be submitted by one of two systems (the second procedure will be preferred):

  • Submitting documents should be managed by the Online Submission System on the website of the journal,
  • First, the author should register as an author or reviewer (checking role as author or reviewer) in the “Register” or journal,
  • After registration is completed, log in as an author, and click on “New Submission”. The article submits stage consists of five stages, such as: (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, (4) Upload Supplementary Files, and (5) Confirmation.
  • In the “Start” column, choose Journal Section, and check all the checklists.
  • In the “Upload Submission” column, upload the manuscript files in MS Word format in this column.
  • In the “Enter Metadata” column, fill out all the author data and affiliation. Following the Journal Title, Abstract, and Indexing Keywords.
  • In the “Upload Supplementary Files” column, allowed to upload supplementary data files or the statement letter or other else.
  • In the “Confirmation” column, if all the data that you enter were right, then click “Finish Submission”.
  • If the author has difficulties in the submitting process via the online system, please contact the editorial team at Peer Review Process Biyan: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Pekerjaan Sosial aims to publish academic articles that uncover new depths in the study of Social welfare. These articles should be able to contribute to and advance our current understanding of Social welfare. To ensure this, we employ a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process. More specifically, our editorial process is as follows:
  1. Initial screening. All submissions are initially screened by the Editor-in-Chief for their conformity to Biyan: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Pekerjaan Sosial scope and basic submission requirements and checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts that fail to abide by our ethical standards are immediately rejected, as are manuscripts that do not fit within the journal’s scope.
  2. Reviewer assignment. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are then handed over to a section editor, who will select at least two relevant reviewers and initiate the peer review process.
  3. Peer review. During this stage, a reviewer will assess the content of the manuscript and provide their recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief.
  4. First decision. Once both (or more) reviewers have submitted their recommendations, the manuscript is either rejected, asked for revisions (minor or major), or accepted as is. If it is accepted, the manuscript is returned to the submitting author for proofreading. The final decision to accept the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief based on the recommendation of the section editor and following approval by the editorial board.
  5. Revision. A manuscript that requires revisions is returned to the submitting author, who will have up to four weeks to revise the manuscript. Once the revision is submitted, it is once again assessed by the section editor to determine whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author sufficiently responded to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this step is repeated (the manuscript is returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).
  6. Final decision. Finally, the revised manuscript is either accepted or rejected, depending on whether the section editor has found the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the author is unable to make the required changes or has done so to a degree below Al-Istinbath’s standards, the manuscript is rejected.
  7. Language editing. Once the manuscript is accepted, it is returned to the submitting author for final editing of its language and content.
  8. Publication. Congratulations! The published article will appear in the latest issue of Biyan: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Pekerjaan Sosial