Ilmiah Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Pekerjaan Sosial (Biyan)2024-12-31T09:42:39+00:00Nike Journal Systems<p>The <strong>Journal of Policy and Social Work Services (Biyan), ISSN <a href="">2685-6700</a>; EISSN <a href="">2685-6719</a></strong> is a scholarly publication with the mission of advancing social work technology in Indonesia. Its vision is to be a high-quality scientific journal in the field of policy and social work services, contributing to social welfare development. The journal aims to publish the latest scientific works, promoting public access to information and literacy in this field during the era of Industry 4.0. This Journal Concerns topics of social policy technology, and social service technology</p> <p><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Open Sans, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">> <a href=""><strong>TEMPLET JOURNAL</strong></a></span></span></span></p> METODE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) TERHADAP APLIKASI GO ZERO (PROTOTIP) SEBAGAI DUKUNGAN SOSIAL BAGI ORANG DENGAN HIV AIDS (ODHIV)2024-12-07T07:16:24+00:00Mari<p><em>The need for the Go Zero application began during the Covid-19 period where PLHIV were one of the vulnerable groups exposed to the Covid-19 virus. Social restrictions in health services also limit services for PLHIV in taking medication and counseling services. The development of applications in the world of health not only helps patients access health services but also makes it easier for health workers to monitor and provide services. Social workers have a role in advocating and increasing social support for vulnerable groups, including HIV/IADS groups. Social support with its development is not only given directly but can also be done based on technology. This study aims to describe the Utilization of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method as social support for PLHIV. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method consists of 4 Aspects, namely Perceived Usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward use, and behavioral intention to use. This study uses a Quantitative approach through the TAM approach which is analyzed descriptively. The number of respondents in this study was 30 people selected using the purposive sampling technique. Data collection methods were through questionnaires and literature studies. The results showed that PLHIV strongly agreed and accepted the Go Zero application with aspects of perceived usefulness (PU) with a percentage of 82.5%. Aspects of Attitude Toward Using (AT) with a percentage of 82.8%. Aspects of ease of use (PE) with a percentage of 85.67%. Aspects of Behavioral Intention to Use (BI) with a percentage of 83.06%. Based on this, it can be concluded that the use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method is considered very good and can increase social support for PLHIV. The results of the analysis of respondent acceptance of the GO ZERO Application are high, so it can be developed in increasing social support for PLHIV</em><em>.</em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mari Esterilita, Husmiati Yusuf TEKNOLOGI WORKSHOP PERENCANAAN PARTISIPATIF DENGAN BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS DALAM UPAYA PEMBERDAYAAN PEREMPUAN RAWAN SOSIAL EKONOMI DI YAYASAN USAHA MULIA CIPANAS KABUPATEN CIANJUR2024-12-07T07:25:49+00:00Sandi Santikasantikasandy@gmail.comTheresia Martina Marwantimartina.wanti@gmail.comDenti<p>Families led by women tend to experience higher poverty rates than families led by men. This problem occurs because of the double burden, between earning a living and taking care of the household. Empowered female heads of households have the ability to create economic progress, one of which is by planning joint business groups. This study aims to develop a participatory planning workshop design with a business model canvas (BMC) in an effort to empower Socioeconomically Vulnerable Women (PRSE). The research location is at the Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) Cipanas, Cianjur Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The research subjects consisted of the target group, namely PRSE and the interest group, namely the administrators and social workers at YUM. The research informants were 8 people determined by purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, documentation studies, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model. The results of the study showed that the initial design of the workshop implemented by YUM did not answer the needs of the community. Therefore, this study developed it based on needs. After being implemented, the results showed that the design of the participatory planning workshop with the developed BMC could improve PRSE empowerment. This was indicated by the results of the pretest posttest and reflection results which showed an increase in PRSE knowledge about entrepreneurship and as a group were able to implement BMC tools. BMC is a canvas or image to make it easier to see the picture of entrepreneurial ideas. Based on this, the engineering of participatory planning workshop technology with BMC has a positive impact on PRSE empowerment.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sandi Santika, Theresia Martina Marwanti, Denti Kardeti PENGARUH TERAPI ASSERTIVE TRAINING DAN TERAPI KELUARGA STRATEGIS DALAM MENINGKATKAN KETERBUKAAN DIRI ANAK BERHADAPAN DENGAN HUKUM KEPADA ORANG TUA ASUH DI SENTRA HANDAYANI JAKARTA2024-12-07T07:35:57+00:00Sitti Alawiyah Sabaruddinsittialawiyah1998@gmail.comAdmiral Nelson Aritonangnelsonaritonang@yahoo.comJumayar<p>Keterbukaan diri Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum (ABH) bukan hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal subjek namun juga dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan. Keterbukaan diri Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum (ABH) di Sentra Handayani termasuk dalam kategori sedang yang mana mereka hanya terbuka dengan pekerja sosial dan anak lainnya, sehingga diperlukan penerapan penggabungan antara terapi <em>assertive training </em>dan terapi keluarga strategis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterbukaan diri subjek sebelum, selama dan setelah implementasi terapi serta mengetahui pengaruh implementasi terapi <em>assertive training </em>dan terapi keluarga strategis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen atau S<em>ingle Subject Design (SSD) </em>model A-B-A. pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pengisian kuesioner dan observasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis dalam kondisi dan analisis antar kondisi. Melalui asesmen dan <em>pre-test </em>diketahui bahwa ketiga subjek memiliki tingkat keterbukaan diri sedang. Hasil penelitian penunjukkan adanya perubahan pada tingkat keterbukaan diri Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum (ABH) kepada orang tua asuh hal tersebut terlihat dari subjek yang mulai sering mengajak berbicara dan bercerita, dapat memilih waktu yang tepat untuk berbicara, banyaknya informasi yang diberikan serta menceritakan masalahnya kepada orang tua asuh. </p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sitti Alawiyah Sabaruddin, Admiral Nelson Aritonang, Jumayar Marbun PENGARUH KONSELING KELOMPOK DENGAN RELAKSASI OTOT PROGRESIF DALAM MENURUNKAN PERUBAHAN SUASANA HATI PADA LANJUT USIA 2024-12-07T07:41:18+00:00Mawi Nahampunmawinahampun347@gmail.comDwi Heru SukocoDwiheruskc888@gmail.comTukino<p class="Keywords" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Candara',sans-serif;">Group Counseling with Progressive Muscle Relaxation is the result of psychosocial therapy technology engineering in the form of modifying group counseling therapy steps to be more effective with the involvement of progressive muscle relaxation, namely stretching the physical muscles of the elderly who experience mood swing problems at the Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 Social Home in East Jakarta. Group Counseling with Progressive Muscle Relaxation is used to deal with the problems of the elderly who experience mood swings during group counseling. This study aims to explain the implementation of group counseling therapy with progressive muscle relaxtation on reducing mood swings in the elderly. This study uses a Single Subject Design (SSD) type of A-B-A reversal. The subject in this study were JN, AF, and SL. The target behavior observed in this study during group counseling activities was related to changes in mood (mood swings) in the elderly, namely exticed conditions, feelings of fatigue, feelings of anger, and relaxed and calm conditions. The validity test of the research instrument used face validity and the reliability test used percent agreement. Then the data analysis used was visual data analysis consisting of analysis in conditions and between conditions. The results of the study indicate that Group Counseling Therapy with Progressive Muscle Relaxation has been proven to be able to reduce mood swings in the elderly, which means that Group Counseling Therapy with Progressive Muscle Relaxation has an effect on reducing mood swings in research subjects, which is known through data trend analysis with increasing and decreasing trends in the percentage of overlapping data in the analysis between conditions below 50% because the smaller the percentage of overlapping data, the stronger the influence of the intervension on changes in treatment.</span></em></p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mawi Nahampun, Dwi Heru Sukoco, Tukino Tukino PARTISIPATIF MOTIVASIONAL : STRATEGI OPTIMALISASI PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DI YAYASAN USAHA MULIA CIANJUR JAWA BARAT2024-12-07T16:22:31+00:00Haitami Haitamihaitami95@gmail.comAribowo Aribowo aribowo_stks@yahool.comHarapan Lumban<p>This research focuses on social work technology engineering efforts with poverty on the changing profile of communities. One technology that is often used is Methodology Participatory Assessment (MPA) which aims to identify problems, needs and strengths of society in a participatory manner. However, the use of MPA does not guarantee the success of a program because it does not touch the motivational aspects of benefit recipients so that it has an impact on the sustainability of the program being run. Departing from this, it encourages researchers to adapt several methods to improve the current MPA. The research method used is a qualitative method with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. This research attempts to combine the MPA method with motivational interviews (MI) into a motivational participatory assessment which can be used as an alternative in conducting assessments in community change programs at the Mulia Enterprise Foundation (YUM). MI is effective in generating thoughts, feelings and actions towards change and this includes readiness to make changes towards more sustainable options. This research involved Social Workers, YUM employees and beneficiaries using data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observations, focus group discussions and documentation studies. The research begins with reflection on the initial model, then formulates the need for model improvement and designs the model according to the needs of the research locus. After the model is formed, the model design is implemented at the research locus and ends with an evaluation to obtain recommendations for a better model. The results of implementing the motivational participatory assessment technology engineering model are able to optimize participatory assessment by increasing the motivation of beneficiaries to increase awareness towards sustainable change.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Haitami, Aribowo Aribowo , Harapan Lumban Gaol TERAPI REALITAS DENGAN MODELING DALAM MENGATASI MOTIVASI BELAJAR ANAK RENTAN PUTUS SEKOLAH DI YAYASAN USAHA MULIA CIPANAS CIANJUR 2024-12-07T16:30:18+00:00Azka Izdad Muttaqinazkaizdad@gmail.comEllya Susilowatiellyasusilowati1@gmail.coUke Hani<p>Reality therapy with modeling is the result of engineering psychosocial therapy technology by modifying the steps of reality therapy with modeling aimed at being more effective with the involvement of peer groups and figures who can inspire children. Reality therapy with modelingis used to deal with the problems of children who are vulnerable to dropping out of school with the issue of low learning motivation. This study aims to explain the results of the implementation of WDEPC+M reality therapy technology engineering on increasing the learning motivation of children who are vulnerable to dropping out of school. This study uses a quantitative approach with Single Subject Design (SSD) the type of reversal used is A-B-A. the subjects in this study were GW, NA, and SW. The target behavior observed in this study was related to learning motivation, namely being lazy to go to school, easily giving up on learning, being lazy to do assignments or homework. The validity test of the measuring instrument used percent agreement. Then the data analysis used in this study is a visual analysis consisting of analysis in conditions and between conditions. The results of the study indicate that reality therapy with modeling has an effect on increasing the learning motivation of research subjects, namely children who are vulnerable to dropping out of school, which can be seen through the analysis of data trends with increasing trends and the percentage of overlapping data in the analysis between conditions is below 90% because the smaller the percentage of overlapping data, the stronger the influence of the intervention on changes in the behavior of research subjects.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Azka Izdad Muttaqin, Ellya Susilowati, Uke Hani Rasalwati RAPID ASSESSMENT BIO PSIKO SOSIAL-DAILY LIVING BERBASIS KOMUNITAS DALAM PENANGANAN BENCANA DI DESA GASOL KECAMATAN CUGENANG KABUPATEN CIANJUR2024-12-14T13:08:46+00:00Annisa Nur Atmaichanim@gmail.comLina Favouritalinabangreng9@gmail.comMilly<p> </p> <p><em>In disaster management, it is very important to involve fast and organized steps in responding to the needs of survivors so that they can be immediately handled with data on the location of the incident and the affected area within 24 (twenty four) hours. One of them is a rapid assessment or Rapid Assessment, where in the disaster assessment cycle, a rapid assessment is carried out at the earliest when a disaster occurs. This research was carried out to develop a rapid assessment format so that it can be used practically by communities in disaster-prone environments according to the characteristics of the residents and their area as well as strengthening community participation in disaster management. The research subjects were the people of Gasol Village who were members of the Cugenang District Disaster Preparedness Team, Cianjur Regency using Participatory Action Research (PAR) techniques. Research was carried out by conducting interviews, observations, documentation studies and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). In the form that has been prepared with the community, for the client's internal side and also the client's relationship with his environment, BPS (Bio Psycho Social) and DL (Daily Living) assessments are included. So the expected results from the BPS-DL rapid assessment engineering also aim to speed up the distribution of aid and decision making for related parties, especially Gasol Village.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Nur Atma, Lina Favourita, Milly Mildawati