Peer Reviewers Process


1. Authors must prepare submissions in accordance with the Author Guidelines.
2. To submit an abstract, authors must create an account. Abstracts can then be submitted by logging into their account. The full manuscript can only be submitted after the abstract has been submitted. The entire submission process is conducted online (NOT via email) to ensure accountability and smooth administration.
3. Manuscripts will be returned to authors without scientific evaluation if they fail to meet submission requirements, are in an incorrect format, or cannot be reliably downloaded.
4. All submissions must represent original and independent work from the authors, and authors must disclose the contributions of all authors in the article.

Review Process
1. New submissions undergo pre-evaluation by the Scientific Committee using Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL) to determine if the article is suitable for the conference's topic and scope.
2. Articles will be rejected if they are poorly presented, unclear, or suspected of being plagiarized from other works.
3. After passing the initial screening, the article will be sent to two independent reviewers for peer review.
4. A single-blind review is implemented, where the reviewers know the authors' identities but the authors do not know the reviewers' identities.
5. Reviewer comments are confidential and will only be disclosed with explicit consent from the reviewers.
6. The Scientific Committee will examine the reviewer's comments and provide explanations to the authors. If revisions are invited, the corresponding author must submit the revised manuscript within 2 weeks.
7. The final decision is made by the Scientific Committee based on the information obtained through the peer-review process.
8. We ensure that reviewed manuscripts are treated confidentially before publication, as explained in our publication ethics.

Review Criteria
1. Research Question: why the authors conducted this research and what its importance and application are.
2. Novelty: a paper introduces new ideas, derivations, or applications that have not been studied before or have been studied little or not in-depth.
3. Literature Review: to identify the research gap with recent references from 2015 onwards.
4. Research Methodology: analytical, numerical, experimental, or mixed. What are the authors' contributions, assumptions and/or approximations used, description of apparatus and its limitations, steps of experiments, etc.
5. Quality of Results: and the depth and logic of the discussion.
6. Insight Conveyed and Recommendations: that might be used by others for future work.

1. There are three types of editorial decisions during the peer review process: Reject Submission, Revision Required, and Accept Submission.
2. Reject Submission – Following peer review, the paper is assessed as not acceptable for publication, and resubmission is not possible.
3. Revision Required – The article requires revisions before a final decision can be made. Authors are requested to enhance their article based on the comments received from the reviewer and submit a revised version for consideration within two weeks after receiving the decision from the Scientific Committee. The article may undergo further peer review, and if the authors do not revise their paper to the satisfaction of the scientific committee, the article can still be rejected.
4. Accept Submission – The paper has been accepted for publication, and minor sub-editing changes and amendments are still possible to ensure that the paper fully meets our criteria. After the final review at the editorial office, acceptance is confirmed, and the paper is forwarded to the publisher.

Galley Proof
1. The galley proof will be sent to the corresponding author for final checking.
2. Corrections to the final version are limited to minor corrections related to changes in the text, equations, or grammar, which will be confirmed with the author.
3. The proof should be returned to the scientific committee within three days of receipt. It is the responsibility of the author to review the content at this stage.

Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL)

Before you submit your manuscript, it is highly recommended for you to pre-evaluate it using Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL), an instrument that we developed to help you get effective time of peer-reviewing process.
Pre-Evaluation Criteria
(Level 1)
(level 2)
(level 3)
Title: Straightforward, informative, and represents the contents of the article.  
Abstract: Concise but at least contain the problem, purpose, method, important findings, and implications of the research.
Keywords: Searchable by search engine, truly represents the intention of research. Don’t use phrases, only words. 5 to 6 keyword is recommended.
Introduction: Directing the reader about the importance of the research. Presenting significant problems, a clear state of the art, gap analysis, and novel concepts to fill the gaps. End it with the purpose of research. 
Method: Clear and replicable. Reveals how research objectives are achieved with the appropriate tools, procedures, and stages.
Results: Presenting experimental or survey data, or any other kind of data depending on the type of research. The results are generally presented in clear and readable tables and figures.
Discussion: Meaningful. Good discussion is written as a dialogue that reveals the progress of the research in comparison to previous researches.
Conclusion: Contains a summary of research results (the most important research finding) that relates with the objectives written in the introduction.
References: Accountable, about 80% of the literatures from primary sources (reputable journals) and up to date (last 10 years). Use reference management tools.
Total score


Decision matrix

Most likely to be published with little discussion with Editor/Reviewer
Possible minor revision (if there are no mistakes in principle)
Possible major revision
Most likely to be rejected in the first stage

 Disclaimer: The Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL) above is used by authors as a “tool” to optimize peer-reviewing process. The decision to accept or reject an article for publication in Automotive Experiences is the authority of Editor based on recommendations from reviewers.