Optimizing Village Institutions Through Capacity Management in Cijati Village, Situraja District, Sumedang, West Java
Community Service, Role of Community Organisations, Capacity Building of AdministratorsAbstract
Focusing on social institutions in Cijati Village presents a valuable opportunity to address community welfare issues that manifest across various service processes. In this evolving context, social institutions in Cijati Village have emerged in diverse forms, including the Village Government Apparatus, Puskesos, LPM, Karang Taruna, PKK, Posyandu, and Gapoktan. These organizations aim to be integral to the Cijati Village community, addressing social, economic, health, and welfare challenges. Recognizing these issues, Cijati Village was identified as a potential area for community service initiatives. Community service, a key element of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, encourages the academic community to provide direct benefits to the community by applying their knowledge. In conducting this community service from March to August 2023, we adopted a strategy utilizing various methods, models, techniques, and tools applicable at different stages of community social work assistance. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of applying sound knowledge to optimize synergy between administrators, management, and planning, and to utilize resources from each community institution involved in the community service process in Cijati Village.Downloads
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